Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Patient File #?: Puffy

There is no official patient file for Puffy. He was forgotten. Chances are that his file was burned in a fire Schnickle had some time ago. He may have been a patient that, during the fire, escaped into the walls.
Or he could have -
Look, the point is, I was thrown into anaphylactic shock by this guy, which even Grinnigore hasn't done to me yet.
Yeah. It all started when the Chief Worker on Floor 2,345, Mr. Wellington, told us to get some extra bandages in one of our billions of closets.
Oh, the reason why we have a Chief Worker is because there are SO MANY freakin' floors that someone has to overview every one.
Yeah, this should be the time to emphasize that Schnickle Hospital is just a sick, twisted, ENORMOUS labyrinth. We've been working here since we got out of of college and we still get lost in there on a daily basis. We STILL have no idea how many floors there are and we STILL haven't been on every floor or in every room.
But anyway. We managed to screw up and get lost in the closet. I asked, "Where are we?" And a voice from the shadows replied...
"You're still in the closet." We asked who it was and he said he was too ugly to show his face.
We insisted he emerge from the blackness. He said okay, then walked into the light. At first all we could see was his head.
It was the most adorable thing EVER. His cute head was white as snow, but his cheeks were as red as blood. On his head he had a purple.
And then he got out fully.
That was the most deformed, horrific thing ever. Tentacles, hands, bones, skulls...
All amid this black, shapeless mass - gurgling, popping, fizzing and writhing.
The way you describe sounds like one of H.P. Lovecraft's "shoggoths." You know, from his book At the Mountains of Madness?
Not really. Smilia and I only went to the Schnickle School of Medicine. I mean, Schnickle Academy is named after the hospital, and the School of Medicine is their most prodigious course.
And Smilio and I always wanted to be doctors. But now is not the time to talk about the past! KEEP UP, PEOPLE!
The sight of what we came to know as Puffy made me laugh and caused Smilia to be nauseated.
He introduced himself and we had a quick chat. Then he went to the bathroom...
Smilia said she touched his foot. And I didn't think that was a foot...Smilia went into anaphylactic shock, standing there in a horrified trance. Smilia? Smilia? Smilia, are you okay? Oh dear! I think she's going into it aga


A while later

[entering room]...lucky we got the syringe and the galvanic battery! I suppose we're also lucky that we're in a hospital...that was a weird kind of anaphylactic shock; usually there's itchiness and difficulty breathing, here it was more of a trance - oh. We're back. Smilia, you okay to talk?
Yeah...yeah. But I don't really know what happened after that.
What happened was that Puffy came out of the bathroom, asked why Smilia was in a trance, and I said "Because you're so freakin' ugly!"
I suspect that really put out his flame.
I second that suspicion.
Well, if you mean that he burst into tears after saying "Wha...what?," then yeah, his flame was put out! But worse was to come. He got REALLY ANGRY and he ripped off his own head!
What? Was there blood?!
Oh, yeah. Lots of it.
If I may interrupt: you do understand that this gore was not depicted in the comic.
Of course. Then he took bits of bone from his gurgling mass and welded it into a stag skull, and fused it to his bloody neck (or, as the comics put it, he simply took the stag skull and put it over his head like a mask). He then yelled, sobbing, "I am Cadaver!" and he ran away.
That must have been terrifying!
Oh yeah. I was spattered with gore. I looked worse than the corpses in the Schnickle Hospital Morgue!
And how do you know what the corpses in the morgue look like?
No comment. Anyway, I took Smilia and revived her from her shock after taking a shower. It took a bit of herbal medicine mixed with modern medicine and technology, but we got her back! She had been in bad trauma, being aware that this was the day after Grinnigore's proposal.
Well, that's the end of the story, folks. This was an exceptionally short tale, but wait till we show you our next terrifying case...     

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