Hi, Brian here. Smilio and Smilia are ill at present but all of us want to thank you SO MUCH for voting Schnickle Hospital as a comic! All the others were fantastic but we really appreciate this. We are SOOOOOOOO happy you did this. Thanks from Brian, Smilio, Smilia, and the rest of Schnickle Hospital.
About the other comics - we cannot leave those babies unborn. So what we're gonna do is release ONE COMIC for each. Then we'll continue. There will only be one copy of each comic except Schnickle Hospital, so we're gonna draw names out of a hat. Again, thank you so much for this. It really means a lot.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Patient File #B: Grinnigore
Yeah, here we have a real psycho.
Patient name: Grinnigore
Disorder: Severe Mental Damage of the Worst Kind - Snaygelheim.
Quality of Body: Has deteriorated with the effects of Snaygelheim mind poisoning. Very pale - no pupils - sharp teeth. Looks like popular depiction of vampire.
Quality of Mind: Completely insane and does anything on impulse. Calculates what he does - but what he does isn't right. Usual effect of the deadly Snaygelheim condition.
This could go on a bit, dear reader, but Smilio and I don't want to bore you.
Plus, we can explain what Snaygelheim is. This condition of the mind causes one to be completely sadistic and insane. It also causes the slight decomposition of the body.
Snaygelheim, unlike regular insanity, is makes the victim not only insane but eeeeeevvvvvvviiiiiillll.
The hospital had to put him in the Very Very Sick Room on floor 1313. That's a pretty scary room. We're not allowed go in there.
They say that a murder occurred in that room. A very disturbed patient drove a keeper insane, and the keeper's hair turned dead white. In the confusion, he fell down through the elevator shaft (don't ask) and into the very pits of the Earth. And yes, this doesn't even come CLOSE to describing how big Schnickle Hospital is.
Well, Smilia, that isn't exactly a murder -
Well, Smilio, he was PUSHED down the elevator shaft.
Why didn't you say that in the first place?
But anyway, there was one point when Smilia and I were on that floor. Grinnigore was peering out of the Very Very Sick Room. And boy, he was grinning like a crocodile that's spotted some [searches up what crocodiles eat] anything. Yes, crocodiles eat ANYTHING. But whatever.
We were chased by the sicko - he jumped out at us.
We managed to get in the elevator. On the 6th floor (we got down pretty far) an old man with an insanely huge moustache entered the elevator. As we started descending, the old man -
- ripped off his clothes and fake moustache. We then got the trauma of seeing Grinnigore in nothing but his underwear. Even his signature top hat was gone.
Shoot! Smilia, I wanted to write that part! But whatever; we opened the doors and I jumped into the shaft. But the doors closed before Smilia could get out.
Now, I ended up in Boiler Room #2, and got to the lobby, but I have noooooooooo idea what went on in that elevator. Smilia?
Ummm...well, he didn't hurt me...it was uncomfortable. And then he got down on his knees and...well...When we reached the lobby, I saw Smilio standing there, staring at me. "What did he do to you?" And I said...I said...
[sighs] You said that Grinnigore was in love with you. And then you brutally broke his heart before the eyes of millions. Oh, and how did he get his fancy Victorian clothes on again?
[ignoring question] Sure, he was handsome, but...wait, did I say that? Backspace! Backspace! BACKSPACE!
Ha ha! This is my laptop, remember? And I took a course in computers. There's a PASSCODE on backspace!
What the heck?
Sure, its annoying, but safer!
Forgetting what I just typed, Grinnigore, in anger at my rejection, revealed the more disturbing side of his insanity. He jumped out at Smilio and started to strangle him with a noose in the folds of his Victorian-era suit.
Yeah. I was freakin' out. And talk about desperate! He was really in love with you, Smilia! NICE, rejecting him like that!
He was insane! What was I supposed to do, kiss him?
Maybe that would have stopped him!
You two better stop bickering. Grinnigore was in love with Smilia. He was insane. So what? Maybe Smilia did the right thing and maybe she didn't. Who will know what would've happened if Smilia kissed him then?
Chester the time-traveling burger wombat would.
Hey, that's a B and B Productions universe!
We ran into the Auditorium (there are one billion of these in all...or maybe more), where the Director of Hospital Entertainment, Jimmy, was rehearsing with an actor (and his confidante), Henry. They were gonna put on a production of "Bram Stoker's Jewel of the Seven Stars."
Oh. Jimmy. [blushing] Are we at that part yet? Oh, Jimmy! Yeah, yeah, Jimmy! Ah, Jimmy. Oh, Jimm-
You know what? Shut your trap. We got acquainted, then ran for our lives. We heard Grinnigore yell "Thou shalt not escape me! Thy lover, thy brother, and thy friend will not escape!"
But of course Jimmy and I weren't lovers! We just -
I said shut your trap. Our little band of four hid in a closet. Yes, there were four of us, but we were terrified of Snaygelheim-infected monsters in love with sisters. So we hid. He found us, and he showed us his hands - which were made of black, festering, sulphurous smoke. Out of them started to seep a light in the shape of the skull. But then -
Smilio, don't. You know I don't like to think about what I did.
Look, Smilia, it's a fact of life. It's okay...
No, Smilio! I DON'T wanna talk about it. I really don't. Maybe when Schnickle Hospital closes, I'll allow you to reveal it to the public. But not now.
I...I think it might be better to let it out, but if you don't want me to, I won't. Oh, wait...how about this:
NO! People will understand what it means! And it also said that I did what I did on his MUT!!! UGH! Change it back! Backspace backspace backspace -
Password on the backspace, remember?
In short, we got Grinnigore in a straitjacket and he was sent away - out of this city, through the neighboring city of Innsmouth, and into Snig Asylum, where he is being treated by the renowned Dr. Enicidem. His cell is the second strongest, and above the strongest, underground cell - which belongs to a mirrored monster called Shatter.
You can read more about Snig in The Marvelous Adventures of Bowling Ball - and that very sadistic freak we mentioned is a villain that the brave hero, even known in Schnickle, fights.
But we're not here to talk about other psychos. We're here to talk about Grinnigore, a unique kind of psycho!
We've finished putting down the events of our first encounter. We would see him later, but that's it. Brian, any words?
Yes, actually. Smilio and Smilia are both quite traumatized by this event. Correct?
That's what I thought. Now, I am glad to report that you did NOT fall to Grinnigore's level.
Whadda ya mean?
After people go through a traumatic event, they usually get very upset by it. Your town has a stone under it called the Psychostone, which literally has a potency in it that make people contract Snaygelheim after...instances like this. I daresay Grinnigore went through a traumatic event to reduce him to the beast he is. The Psychostone has been especially hard on him. But now, after I see all the cases that happened to you, I realize that, under many circumstances (such as this), you yourself could have fallen to Snaygelheim. But the Psychostone had no effect on you. Bravo, bravo.
Disorder: Severe Mental Damage of the Worst Kind - Snaygelheim.
Quality of Body: Has deteriorated with the effects of Snaygelheim mind poisoning. Very pale - no pupils - sharp teeth. Looks like popular depiction of vampire.
Quality of Mind: Completely insane and does anything on impulse. Calculates what he does - but what he does isn't right. Usual effect of the deadly Snaygelheim condition.
This could go on a bit, dear reader, but Smilio and I don't want to bore you.
Plus, we can explain what Snaygelheim is. This condition of the mind causes one to be completely sadistic and insane. It also causes the slight decomposition of the body.
Snaygelheim, unlike regular insanity, is makes the victim not only insane but eeeeeevvvvvvviiiiiillll.
The hospital had to put him in the Very Very Sick Room on floor 1313. That's a pretty scary room. We're not allowed go in there.
They say that a murder occurred in that room. A very disturbed patient drove a keeper insane, and the keeper's hair turned dead white. In the confusion, he fell down through the elevator shaft (don't ask) and into the very pits of the Earth. And yes, this doesn't even come CLOSE to describing how big Schnickle Hospital is.
Well, Smilia, that isn't exactly a murder -
Well, Smilio, he was PUSHED down the elevator shaft.
Why didn't you say that in the first place?
But anyway, there was one point when Smilia and I were on that floor. Grinnigore was peering out of the Very Very Sick Room. And boy, he was grinning like a crocodile that's spotted some [searches up what crocodiles eat] anything. Yes, crocodiles eat ANYTHING. But whatever.
We were chased by the sicko - he jumped out at us.
We managed to get in the elevator. On the 6th floor (we got down pretty far) an old man with an insanely huge moustache entered the elevator. As we started descending, the old man -
- ripped off his clothes and fake moustache. We then got the trauma of seeing Grinnigore in nothing but his underwear. Even his signature top hat was gone.
Shoot! Smilia, I wanted to write that part! But whatever; we opened the doors and I jumped into the shaft. But the doors closed before Smilia could get out.
Now, I ended up in Boiler Room #2, and got to the lobby, but I have noooooooooo idea what went on in that elevator. Smilia?
Ummm...well, he didn't hurt me...it was uncomfortable. And then he got down on his knees and...well...When we reached the lobby, I saw Smilio standing there, staring at me. "What did he do to you?" And I said...I said...
[sighs] You said that Grinnigore was in love with you. And then you brutally broke his heart before the eyes of millions. Oh, and how did he get his fancy Victorian clothes on again?
[ignoring question] Sure, he was handsome, but...wait, did I say that? Backspace! Backspace! BACKSPACE!
Ha ha! This is my laptop, remember? And I took a course in computers. There's a PASSCODE on backspace!
What the heck?
Sure, its annoying, but safer!
Forgetting what I just typed, Grinnigore, in anger at my rejection, revealed the more disturbing side of his insanity. He jumped out at Smilio and started to strangle him with a noose in the folds of his Victorian-era suit.
Yeah. I was freakin' out. And talk about desperate! He was really in love with you, Smilia! NICE, rejecting him like that!
He was insane! What was I supposed to do, kiss him?
Maybe that would have stopped him!
You two better stop bickering. Grinnigore was in love with Smilia. He was insane. So what? Maybe Smilia did the right thing and maybe she didn't. Who will know what would've happened if Smilia kissed him then?
Chester the time-traveling burger wombat would.
Hey, that's a B and B Productions universe!
We ran into the Auditorium (there are one billion of these in all...or maybe more), where the Director of Hospital Entertainment, Jimmy, was rehearsing with an actor (and his confidante), Henry. They were gonna put on a production of "Bram Stoker's Jewel of the Seven Stars."
Oh. Jimmy. [blushing] Are we at that part yet? Oh, Jimmy! Yeah, yeah, Jimmy! Ah, Jimmy. Oh, Jimm-
You know what? Shut your trap. We got acquainted, then ran for our lives. We heard Grinnigore yell "Thou shalt not escape me! Thy lover, thy brother, and thy friend will not escape!"
But of course Jimmy and I weren't lovers! We just -
I said shut your trap. Our little band of four hid in a closet. Yes, there were four of us, but we were terrified of Snaygelheim-infected monsters in love with sisters. So we hid. He found us, and he showed us his hands - which were made of black, festering, sulphurous smoke. Out of them started to seep a light in the shape of the skull. But then -
Smilio, don't. You know I don't like to think about what I did.
Look, Smilia, it's a fact of life. It's okay...
No, Smilio! I DON'T wanna talk about it. I really don't. Maybe when Schnickle Hospital closes, I'll allow you to reveal it to the public. But not now.
I...I think it might be better to let it out, but if you don't want me to, I won't. Oh, wait...how about this:
Smilia k__se_ Grinnigore o_ the m_u_t_
NO! People will understand what it means! And it also said that I did what I did on his MUT!!! UGH! Change it back! Backspace backspace backspace -
Password on the backspace, remember?
In short, we got Grinnigore in a straitjacket and he was sent away - out of this city, through the neighboring city of Innsmouth, and into Snig Asylum, where he is being treated by the renowned Dr. Enicidem. His cell is the second strongest, and above the strongest, underground cell - which belongs to a mirrored monster called Shatter.
You can read more about Snig in The Marvelous Adventures of Bowling Ball - and that very sadistic freak we mentioned is a villain that the brave hero, even known in Schnickle, fights.
But we're not here to talk about other psychos. We're here to talk about Grinnigore, a unique kind of psycho!
We've finished putting down the events of our first encounter. We would see him later, but that's it. Brian, any words?
Yes, actually. Smilio and Smilia are both quite traumatized by this event. Correct?
That's what I thought. Now, I am glad to report that you did NOT fall to Grinnigore's level.
Whadda ya mean?
After people go through a traumatic event, they usually get very upset by it. Your town has a stone under it called the Psychostone, which literally has a potency in it that make people contract Snaygelheim after...instances like this. I daresay Grinnigore went through a traumatic event to reduce him to the beast he is. The Psychostone has been especially hard on him. But now, after I see all the cases that happened to you, I realize that, under many circumstances (such as this), you yourself could have fallen to Snaygelheim. But the Psychostone had no effect on you. Bravo, bravo.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Smilio and Smilia Welcome You...to Schnickle Hospital!
Hi! My sister, Smilia, is trying to write, but its MY LAPTOP and I wanna write the introduction!
Hmph! Not fair, Smilio!
Anywho, this site was created by the founder of Schnickle Hospital and our benefactor, Brian O'Connell! Here we document our medical cases over the years. We've had some -
- doozys, over the years. Like that sicko Grinnigore. Oh, by the way, it's Smilia here, I like to use bold -
And I, Smilio, DON'T like to use bold. But as I we were saying, Schnickle Hospital has had some weird medical cases. Me and my sister have gotten quite tangled up in a few of them.
And we want to share them with you. We'll share them on this site, BUT we're an nominee for a COMIC BOOK alongside The Marvelous Adventures of Bowling Ball! The other nominees are awesome too, but we hope you vote for us!
And even if you don't you can still read this blog which is updated by Brian every now and then. Say hi, Brian!
Hi guys. Yep, I'm the benefactor of Smilio and Smilia, the creator and proprietor of Schnickle Hospital, AND I write their blog - not to mention the fact that I am co-manager of B & B Productions (which you can visit here) and I run my own company, Red Death Productions (which you can visit here). I also write Goosebumps reviews (click here) AND a blog called The Manor of Mirrors (here). I warn you, though, I don't really update the last one much.
But anyway, this isn't what the post is about. We just wanted to welcome you to Schnickle Hospital!
So, goodbye -
- from the both of us.
The three of us!
Smilio,Smilia, and Brian
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